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Breathing Wind

Aug 24, 2023

“Having an established creative practice helped me in ways I would have never known, and I think it’s the greatest gift my younger self gave me now.”

~ Rosemmery Wahtola Trommer

This month, we’re offering you a feed swap. This is the second episode we’re swapping. For the first episode in this swap, check out

Aug 10, 2023

“Grief cracks you open. It makes us vulnerable… I feel vulnerable.” 

~ Christie Aschwanden

“A creative practice prepared me for grief.”

~ Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

This month, we’re offering you a feed swap.

Emerging Form, co-hosted by poet Rosemmery Wahtola Trommer and journalist Christie Aschwanden, is a...

Aug 1, 2023

“[Grief] breaks us open, which we may not expect. There's some allowing that has to happen. I'm going to allow this to break me open, to grow a new heart, to connect with people in a more meaningful way, to live a life that's more authentic. I think the breaking open, while it can be hard and scary, speaks to grief as...