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Breathing Wind

Sep 29, 2020

What role does our gender play in grief? Paul Sockett is from England and has been developing his career as a professional actor and performer for 15 years. Paul considers himself an empath and, during the time of this recording, he was with his partner, supporting her through her loss. His feelings related to grief,...

Sep 15, 2020

As grievers, I think we can all relate to hearing something like, “At least they didn’t suffer,” or “Well, they had a good life.” These cringe-worthy glass-half-full clichés are etched into how our American culture processes loss. So, what do you say to someone who’s grieving? This is what Laura specializes...

Sep 1, 2020

What do you prioritize in life and why? In this episode, I interview Andrew Kaufteil, a marketing executive and friend of mine. When he lost his dad, he shifted his approach to prioritizing relationships over success and status. Andrew discusses his dad’s memory, his loss, and how he focuses now on his mom.

To learn...